●Product Details
●The AD7485 is a 14-bit, high speed, low power, successive-approximation ADC. The part features a serial interface with throughput rates up to 1 MSPS. The part contains a low-noise, wide bandwidth track/hold amplifier, which can handle input frequencies in excess of 10MHz.
●The conversion process is a proprietary algorithmic successive-approximation technique. The input signal is sampled and conversion is initiated on the falling edge of a CONVST signal. The conversion process is controlled by an external master clock. Interfacing is via standard serial signal lines making the part directly compatible with microcontrollers and DSPs.
●The AD7485 provides excellent ac and dc performance specifications. Factory trimming ensures high dc accuracy resulting in very low INL, offset and gain errors.
●The part uses advanced design techniques to achieve very low power dissipation at high throughput rates. Power consumption in normal mode of operation is 70 mW. There are two power-saving modes: a NAP mode, which keeps reference circuitry alive for quick power up, consumes 5 mW while a STANDBY mode reduces power consumption to a mere 5 µW.
●### Features and Benefits
● Fast Throughput Rate: 1 MSPS
● Wide Input Bandwidth: 40 MHz
● Excellent DC Accuracy Performance
● Flexible Serial Interface
● STANDBY Mode: 2 µA Max
● Low Power:
●80 mW (Full Power) and
●3 mW (NAP Mode)
● Single 5 V Supply Operation
● Internal 2.5 V Reference
● Full-Scale Overrange Indication