●Product Details
●The AD842 is a member of the Analog Devices, Inc. family of wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. This device is fabricated using the Analog Device junction isolated complementary bipolar (CB) process. This process permits a combination of dc precision and wideband ac performance previously unobtainable in a monolithic op amp. In addition to its 80 MHz gain bandwidth product, the AD842 offers extremely fast settling characteristics, typically settling to within 0.01% of final value in less than 100 ns for a 10 V step.
●The AD842 also offers a low quiescent current of 13 mA, a high output current drive capability (100 mA minimum), a low input voltage noise of 9 nV√Hz, and a low input offset voltage (1.5 mV maximum).
●The 375 V/μs slew rate of the AD842, along with its 80 MHz gain bandwidth product, ensures excellent performance in video and pulse amplifier applications. This amplifier is ideally suited for use in high frequency signal conditioning circuits and wide bandwidth active filters. The extremely rapid settling time of the AD842 makes this amplifier the preferred choice for data acquisition applications requiring 12-bit accuracy. The AD842 is also appropriate for other applications, such as high speed DAC and ADC buffer amplifiers and other wide bandwidth circuitry.
●### Features and Benefits
● Gain Bandwidth Product: 80 MHz (Gain = 2)
● Fast Settling: 100 ns to 0.01% for a 10 V Step
● Slew Rate: 375 V/µs
● Stable at Gains of 2 or Greater
● Full Power Bandwidth: 6.0 MHz for 20 V p-p
● Input Offset Voltage: 1.5 mV max
● Input Offset Drift: 14 µV/°C
● Input Voltage Noise: 9 nV/√Hz typ
● Open-Loop Gain: 90 V/mV into a 499 Ω Load
● Output Current: 100 mA min
● Quiescent Supply Current: 14 mA max