●The ADE7763ARSZ is a single-phase active and apparent energy Metering IC features proprietary ADCs and fixed function DSP for high accuracy over large variations in environmental conditions and time. The ADE7763 incorporates two second-order, 16-bit Σ-Δ ADCs, a digital integrator (on Ch1), reference circuitry, a temperature sensor and all the signal processing required to perform active and apparent energy measurements, line-voltage period measurements, RMS calculation on the voltage and current channels. The selectable on-chip digital integrator provides direct interface to di/dt current sensors such as Rogowski coils, eliminating the need for an external analog integrator and resulting in excellent long-term stability and precise phase matching between the current and the voltage channels. The ADE7763 provides a serial interface to read data and a pulse output frequency (CF) that is proportional to the active power.
● High accuracy
● On-chip digital integrator enables direct interface-to-current sensors with di/dt output
● PGA in the current channel allows direct interface to shunts and current transformers
● Active and apparent energy, sampled waveform, current and voltage RMS
● Less than 0.1% error in active energy measurement over a dynamic range of 1000 to 1 at 25°C
● Positive-only energy accumulation mode
● On-chip user programmable threshold for line voltage surge and SAG and PSU supervisory
● Digital calibration for power, phase and input offset
● On-chip temperature sensor (±3°C typical)
● SPI®-compatible serial interface
● Pulse output with programmable frequency
● Interrupt request pin (IRQ) and status register
● Reference 2.4V with external overdrive capability
●ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.