●The ADIS16228 iSensor® is a complete vibration sensing system that combines triaxial acceleration sensing with advanced time domain and frequency domain signal processing. Time domain signal processing includes a programmable decimation filter and selectable windowing function. Frequency domain processing includes a 512-point, real-valued FFT for each axis, along with FFT averaging, which reduces the noise floor variation for finer resolution. The 14-record FFT storage system offers users the ability to track changes over time and capture FFTs with multiple decimation filter settings.
●Frequency domain triaxial vibration sensor
●Flat frequency response up to 5 kHz
●Digital acceleration data, ±18 g measurement range
● Digital range settings: 0 g to 1 g/5 g/10 g/20 g
●Real-time sample mode: 20.48 kSPS, single-axis
●Capture sample modes: 20.48 kSPS, three axes
● Trigger modes: SPI, timer, external
● Programmable decimation filter, 11 rate settings
● Multirecord capture for selected filter settings
● Manual capture mode for time domain data collection
●FFT, 512-point, real valued, all three axes (x, y, z)
● 3 windowing options: rectangular, Hanning, flat top
● Programmable FFT averaging: up to 255 averages
●Storage: 14 FFT records on all three axes (x, y, z)
●Programmable alarms, 6 spectral bands
● 2-level settings for warning and fault definition
● Adjustable response delay to reduce false alarms
●Internal self-test with status flags
●Digital temperature and power supply measurements
●2 auxiliary digital I/Os
●SPI-compatible serial interface
●Identification registers: serial number, device ID, user ID
●Single-supply operation: 3.0 V to 3.6 V
●Operating temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
●15 mm × 24 mm × 15 mm aluminum package, flex connector
● Vibration analysis
● Condition monitoring
● Machine health
● Instrumentation, diagnostics
● Safety shutoff sensing