●The DS2505P+ is a 16Kb add only memory device in 6 pin TSOC package. It identifies and stores relevant information about product to which it is associated. This lot or product specific information can be accessed with minimal interface. The DS2505 consists of a factory lasered registration number that includes unique 48bit serial number, 8bit CRC and 8bit family code (0BH) plus 16Kb of user programmable EPROM. The power to program and read DS2505 is derived entirely from 1-wire communication line. Data is transferred serially via 1-wire protocol which requires only single data lead and ground return. The entire device can be programmed and then write protected if desired. Typical applications include storage of calibration constants, maintenance records, asset tracking, product revision status and access codes SOC packages provide a compact enclosure that allows standard assembly equipment to handle device easily for attachment to printed circuit boards or wiring.
● Supply voltage range from 2.8V to 6V
● Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
● 16384bits EPROM communicates with economy of one signal plus ground
● Built-in multidrop controller ensures compatibility with other 1-wire net products
● EPROM partitioned into sixty four 256bit pages for randomly accessing packetized data records
● Each memory page can be permanently write protected to prevent tampering
● Additional data can be programmed into EPROM without disturbing existing data
● Reduces control, address, data, power and programming signals to a single data pin
● Directly connects to single port pin of microprocessor & communicates at up to 16.3Kbits per second
● 30nC maximum operating charge, 12V programming voltage at 10mA, 120µs time slot & 1µs recovery time