●The ICM7216A and ICM7216B are fully integrated Timer Counters with LED display drivers. They combine a high frequency oscillator, a decade timebase counter, an 8-decade data counter and latches, a 7-segment decoder, digit multiplexers and 8 segment and 8 digit drivers which directly drive large multiplexed LED displays. The counter inputs have a maximum frequency of 10MHz in frequency and unit counter modes and 2MHz in the other modes. Both inputs are digital inputs. In many applications, amplification and level shifting will be required to obtain proper digital signals for these inputs.
●Features All Versions
●• Functions as a Frequency Counter (DC to 10MHz)
●• Four Internal Gate Times: 0.01s, 0.1s, 1s, 10s in Frequency Counter Mode
●• Directly Drives Digits and Segments of Large Multiplexed LED Displays (Common Anode and Common Cathode Versions)
●• Single Nominal 5V Supply Required
●• Highly Stable Oscillator, Uses 1MHz or 10MHz Crystal
●• Internally Generated Decimal Points, Interdigit Blanking, Leading Zero Blanking and Overflow Indication
●• Display Off Mode Turns Off Display and Puts Chip Into Low Power Mode
●• Hold and Reset Inputs for Additional Flexibility
●Features ICM7216A and ICM7216B
●• Functions Also as a Period Counter, Unit Counter, Frequency Ratio Counter or Time Interval Counter
●• 1 Cycle, 10 Cycles, 100 Cycles, 1000 Cycles in Period, Frequency Ratio and Time Interval Modes
●• Measures Period From 0.5µs to 10s
●Features ICM7216D
●• Decimal Point and Leading Zero Banking May Be Externally Selected