●8-Bit Microcontroller
●The M68HC11 K-series microcontroller units (MCUs) are high-performance derivatives of the
●MC68HC11F1 and have several additional features. The MC68HC11K0, MC68HC11K1,
●MC68HC11K3, MC68HC11K4 and MC68HC711K4 comprise the series. These MCUs, with a nonmul
●tiplexed expanded bus, are characterized by high speed and low power consumption. Their fully static design allows operation at frequencies from 4 MHz to dc.
● Features
●• M68HC11 CPU
●• Power Saving STOP and WAIT Modes
●• 768 Bytes RAM (All Saved During Standby)
●• 24 Kbytes ROM or EPROM
●• 640 Bytes Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)
●• Optional Security Feature Protects Memory Contents
●• On-Chip Memory Mapping Logic Allows Expansion to Over 1 Mbyte of Address Space
●• PROG Mode Allows Use of Standard EPROM Programmer (27C256 Footprint)
●• Nonmultiplexed Address and Data Buses
●• Four Programmable Chip Selects with Clock Stretching (Expanded Modes)
●• Enhanced 16-Bit Timer with Four-Stage Programmable Prescaler
● — Three Input Capture (IC) Channels
● — Four Output Compare (OC) Channels
● — One Additional Channel, Selectable as Fourth IC or Fifth OC
●• 8-Bit Pulse Accumulator
●• Four 8-Bit or Two 16-Bit Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Timer Channels
●• Real-Time Interrupt Circuit
●• Computer Operating Properly (COP) Watchdog
●• Clock Monitor
●• Enhanced Asynchronous Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ) Serial Communications Interface (SCI)
●• Enhanced Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
●• Eight-Channel 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter
●• Seven Bidirectional Input/Output (I/O) Ports (54 Pins)
●• One Fixed Input-Only Port (8 Pins)
●• Available in 84-Pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC), 84-Pin Windowed Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier (CLCC), and 80-Pin Quad Flat Pack (QFP)