●The SN65LVDS324 is a SubLVDS deserializer that recovers words, detects sync codes, multiplies the input DDR clock by a ratio, and outputs parallel CMOS 1.8 V data on the rising clock edge. It bridges the video stream interface between HD image sensors made by leading manufacturers, to a format that common processors can accept. The supported pixel frequency is 18.5 MHz to 162 MHz — suitable for resolutions from VGA to 1080p60.
●Four high-level modes are supported:
●Aptina 1-Channel 4-Lane, Aptina 1-Channel 2-Lane, Panasonic 2-Channel 2-Port, and Sony LVDS Parallel. Each supports 10/12/14/16 bit sub-modes, according to Table 1. Each mode also has a configurable allowable frequency range, as specified by Table 3 register PLL_CFG.
●The SN65LVDS324 is configured through its I2C-programmable registers. This volatile memory must be written after power up. Configuration options include the MSB/LSB output order, sync polarity convention, data slew rate, and two output timing modes (long-setup or clock-centered), for wider compatibility with different processors and software. The TESTMODE_VIDEO feature is designed to assist engineering development. The max allowable frame size is 8191 x 8191.
●With integrated differential input termination, and a footprint of 4.5 × 7mm, the SN65LVDS324 provides a differentiated solution with optimized form, function, and cost. It operates through an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.
● Bridges the Interface Between Video Image
●Sensors and Processors
● Receives Aptina HiSPi™, Panasonic LVDS, or
●Sony LVDS Parallel; Outputs 1.8V CMOS with
●10/12/14/16 Bits at 18.5 MHz to 162 MHz
● SubLVDS Inputs Support Up To:
● Sony LVDS parallel:
● 10-bpp: 1620 Mbps
● 12-bpp: 1944 Mbps
● Panasonic LVDS:
● 1-channel 4-lane 12-bpp: 972 Mbps
● 1-channel 4-lane 16-bpp: 1296 Mbps
● 2-channel 2-port 12-bpp: 486 Mbps per
● 2-channel 2-port 16-bpp: 6408 Mbps per
● Aptina HiSPi:
● 1-channel 4-lane 14bpp: 1134Mbps
● 1-channel 2-lane 12bpp: 594 Mbps
● Integrated 100-Ω Differential Input Termination
● Test Image Generation Feature
● Compatible with TI OMAP and DaVinci
●Including DM385, DM8127, DM36x, and DMVA
● Low Power 1.8 V CMOS Process
● Configurable Output Conventions
● Packaged in 4.5 × 7mm BGA