●These monolithic shift registers which utilize transistor-transistor logic (TTL) circuits in the familiar Series 54/74 configuration, are composed for four R-S master-slave flip-flops, four AND-OR-INVERT gates, and four inverter drivers. Internal interconnections of these functions provide a versatile register which performs right-shift operations as a serial-in, serial-out register or as a dual-source, parallel-to-serial converter. A number of these registers may be connected in series to form an n-bit register.
●All flip-flops are simultaneously set to a low output level by applying a high-level voltage to the clear input while the internal presets are inactive (high). See the preset function table below. Clearing is independent of the level of the clock input.
●The register may be parallel loaded by using the clear input in connjunction with the preset inputs. After clearing all stages to low output levels, data to be loaded is applied to either the P1 or P2 inputs of each register stage (A, B, C, and D) with the corresponding preset enable input, PE1 or PE2, high. Presetting, like clearing, is independent of the level of the clock input.
●Transfer of information to the outputs occurs on the positive-going edge of the clock pulse. The proper information must be setup at the R-S inputs of each flip-flop prior to the rising edge of the clock input waveform. The serial input provides this information for the first flip-flop, while the outputs of the subsequent flip-flops provide information for the remaining R-S inputs. The clear input must be at a low level and the internal presets must be inactive (high)when clocking occurs.
● Application
● Dual-Source, Parallet-To-Serial Converter
● Serial-In Serial-Out Register