●The SPV1050 is an ultralow power and high-efficiency energy harvester and battery charger, which implements the MPPT function and integrates the switching elements of a buck-boost converter.
●The SPV1050 device allows the charge of any battery, including the thin film batteries, by tightly monitoring the end-of-charge and the minimum battery voltage in order to avoid the overdischarge and to preserve the battery life.
●The power manager is suitable for both PV cells and TEG harvesting sources, as it covers the input voltage range from 75 mV up to 18 V and guarantees high efficiency in both buck-boost and boost configuration.
●Furthermore the SPV1050 device shows very high flexibility thanks also to the trimming capability of the end-of-charge and undervoltage protection voltages. In such way any source and battery is matched.
●The MPPT is programmable by a resistor input divider and allows maximizing the source power under any temperature and irradiance condition.
●An unregulated voltage output is available (e.g. to supply a microcontroller), while two fully independent LDOs are embedded for powering sensors and RF transceivers. Both LDOs (1.8 V and 3.3 V) can be independently enabled through two dedicated pins.
●Key Features
● Transformerless thermoelectric generators and PV modules energy harvester
● High efficiency for any harvesting source
● Up to 70 mA maximum battery charging current
● Fully integrated buck-boost DC-DC converter
● Programmable MPPT by external resistors
● 2.6 V to 5.3 V trimmable battery charge voltage level (± 1% accuracy)
● 2.2 V to 3.6 V trimmable battery discharge voltage level (± 1% accuracy)
● Two fully independent LDOs (1.8 V and 3.3 V output)
● Enable/disable LDO control pins
● Battery disconnect function for battery protection
● Battery connected and ongoing charge logic open drain indication pins